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Case Study

Conflict & Aggression Management


Large scale company specialising in metering and data asset management within the electricity and gas sectors.


To ensure their front line staff have skills and confidence to deal with aggressive individuals when in field.


Consultation: Our team has worked closely with internal stakeholders to fully understand the nature of the conflict and analysed real scenarios where staff safety has been compromised.


Design: A customised program has been developed and rolled out to over 300 participants. The program is closely linked to the internal policy and procedural guidelines of the organisation and focuses on the following key topic areas:


  • Risk Assessment

  • De-Escalation Techniques

  • Negotiation & Defusing

  • Critical Incident Management


The program has continued to receive positive feedback and we are now undertaking a review to assess the reduction in staff incidents and developing a Refresher program that will be rolled out this year.









Our approach

Conflict & Aggression Management


Government Department


To develop an approach for staff who work with individuals who have a disability within residential settings.


Through the consultation process, our team liaised with several internal stakeholders to establish a focus group that would be charged with the responsibility of endorsing a learning program that is to be made available throughout the state of Victoria.


The design and delivery of the one day – Preventing Occupational Violence has been successfully rolled out across the state. The number of incidents involving staff and/or client injury has reduced and staff have reported an increase in confidence and competency in managing low, medium and high risk situations.








Our approach

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